Trainerroad plans
Trainerroad plans

trainerroad plans
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I know TR modified their plans recently, so I'm not sure what changes they made to the low volume IM plan. I did the majority of my weekend long rides outside instead of on the trainer over the summer (race was in October), but generally tried to match the duration of time and effort of the scheduled TR session.

trainerroad plans

I was very happy with the plan and the fitness I had for race day.

#Trainerroad plans full

Jb27 wrote:I used TR's low volume base/build/specialty plan last season for my first full IM. I'm going to remember this and hope I can see some strong improvements by following their plan. Granted, it was mid-volume version, but I will switch to low volume when I start a new job later this year. If someone would have made this prediction for me a year ago I would have laughed. 7:05 running pace feels like 7:30 did last season and my last FTP test in December pegged me at 300 W. I'm still making significant gains on TR as I'm repeating the mid-volume plan right now. Even my running has improved significantly, with two 3:12 IM run splits. FTP went from 209 W to 290+ W in just 11 months and I set a 9:45 PR at 190 lbs body weight. Then in Jan 2018 I got a smart trainer, signed up for TR, and did every workout to the letter, as you say. My anecdote: between Nov 2014 and Nov 2017 I did 12 IMs gradually dropping my PR from 12:45 to 10:35. I think the TR plans can be very effective.

trainerroad plans

In what ways did you find it difficult? Sticking to the plan, or the workouts themselves were too hard?

trainerroad plans

Doesn't look like the cycling ever gets above 6.5hr until the specialty phase and running doesn't ever seem to be much more than 3 hours, which I think is the right amount for me, right around 9-10 hours. It would be great to beat 15:18 but I won't be holding myself to it at all. I'm definitely not going in with a time goal. Start *now* with Sweet Spot base and get going. If you're going into this as a "participant," which is totally fine, then let go of your time goal. This was after doing a few years of sprints and olys. I did the half-iron low volume as a first-time half iron participant and I found the plan quite difficult. TR's "low volume" full iron is still a bit of a commitment. Teichs42 wrote:I'll take finishing this race without killing myself.įollowing a TR plan to the letter will probably get you to the finish. Went 15:18 at IMMT in 2014 and would love to be faster than that, but at this point, I'll take finishing this race without killing myself.

#Trainerroad plans free

I'd also plan on moving Sunday's generally long run to probably Monday so I can keep Sunday free for time with my wife.īackground.31yo, been racing/training since 2009 and probably done 30-35 races, including 1 IM and 4 HIM. I would use their run workouts as a guideline and adjust to fit me. I'd like to have a more structured plan on the bike so I can maximize training time and not waste my time on the bike doing junk miles. Has anyone used TR's low volume base/build/specialty plans? What are your experiences? Did it just get you to the finish line or do you feel like it allowed you to improve (if you'd previously done a full)? I really don't want this to consume my life as I'm trying to get my priorities right and stop having triathlon dominate my life, so a low volume plan seems like the best way to balance training with life. Signed up for an iron distance race last year and couldn't end up doing it so deferred to this summer and despite life becoming the more important thing to focus on over the last 6 weeks (and losing a lot of fitness) I'm going to see if I can get ready for the race on. Did some quick searching and couldn't find what I was looking for.

Trainerroad plans